In Action: Digital Creation Hub Project

About the Project

Over the last few months the Esperance Community Arts team have been hard at work building a new project focused on skills development and telling local stories.
Our Digital Creation Hub is a partnership with local digital content creators Kim Maslin (Kim Maslin – Digital Technologies Educator), Jennene Riggs (Riggs Australia), Pauline Bonney (Karnpi Designs), Meredith Waters (103.9 Hope FM Esperance) and Dorothy Henderson (Riverlee Farm).
Our goal is to provide support and access for community members of all ages and backgrounds who are interested in recording and sharing their stories and their work using digital technologies.
Thanks to support from our funding partners Lotterywest, Mt Burdett Foundation, Our Gems WA and AngloGold Ashanti Australia Ltd, we are almost ready to get this new community initiative up and running. Visit our website for a preview of what will be on offer in the coming months.
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