NAIDOC Week Celebration

Such a wonderful community celebration this year in Esperance for National NAIDOC Week Monday 9 November.
This event was coordinated by Esperance Tjaltjraak Native Title Aboriginal Corporation with support from the Shire of Esperance and other community organisations including Escare Incorporated, Hope Community Services, Centrecare and Esperance Community Arts

Seagull Puppets

Seagull puppets were made in preparation for the NAIDOC opening on Monday 9 November! Thank you to Jennell Reynolds who lead our workshop, to Sophie, our Big Picture intern from Esperance Anglican Community School who made over 20 seagulls all by herself, to Suresh and Dhyan, James & his family, and our Esperance Community Arts volunteers.

Colouring Competition

The Shire of Esperance’s National NAIDOC Week colouring competition entries were on display at Esperance Community Arts Space (67 Dempster) – 166 entries!
Thank you to all the individual entrants and to Esperance Primary School, Castletown Primary School, Cascade Primary School and Esperance After Hours School Care (Escare Incorporated)
Thank you also to Sarah Walsh and the team at the Shire for organising the competition and to Thuriyya Ibrahim and Ken Mills for assistance with installation.


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