Act-Belong-Commit Esperance Wildflower Festival Art Exhibition and Competition
About the Project
The Esperance Wildflower Festival Art Competition, previously limited to school-age students, has been extended in 2019 to include an Open category (with two sub-categories, Under 16 and Over 16) thanks to sponsorship from Healthway / Act-Belong-Commit and Southern Ports Authority. People’s Choice awards will be presented in all categories.
Artists living in the Esperance region were invited to submit artwork responding to the theme of ‘Nature, Bush, Belonging’. This complements the overall Festival theme for 2019 of ‘Bugs and the Bush’, a celebration of the relationships between local plants and insect species and the focus for the entries in the Schools Category.
While the entries from the Schools will be displayed in the Anglican Church during the Festival in line with previous years, the entries in the Open Category are displayed in local shops throughout the CBD. This project has helped to raise awareness of, and engagement with, the Esperance Wildflower Festival in the lead-up to the event.
Esperance Community Arts coordinated this competition. This included promotion through social media marketing, a printed art trail book, interactive Google map of the trail walk, design of the logo and through other community marketing channels. Esperance Community Arts also communicated with the artists and business owners and completed the installation of the 35 art entries at 19 business venues around the Esperance CBD. We coordinated the vote count and funding for the competition and prizes.
You can view all the details about the Act-Belong-Commit Esperance Wildflower Festival Art Competition & Exhibition on the Esperance Wildflower Festival Website.