Linkwest Carmen Lawrence Award for Community Building 2019
In partnership with Escare Incorporated and Esperance Seawater Families Group, Esperance Community Arts is very grateful to receive the inaugural Linkwest Carmen Lawrence Award for Community Building. This award celebrates our Indigenous Arts & Culture program run over the last 4 years. This program has also been supported by Esperance Tjaltjraak Native Title Aboriginal Corporation. Very special thanks go to Jennell Reynolds, the program coordinator, and to the members of our fantastic Advisory Group, who provide cultural and professional expertise and lead the project planning and decision-making for all our Indigenous Arts Projects: Annie Dabb, Johnine Graham, Anna Bonney, Wanika Close, Colleen Frost, Hayleigh Graham, Jo Aberle and Glen Symonds. We were also semi-finalists for the Linkwest Partnerships Award. This recognition from a statewide peak body with a focus on community development is a wonderful acknowledgement of 4 years of work by many dedicated community leaders and all their supporters! Thank you to all the funding bodies (especially Lotterywest and the Indigenous Languages and Arts Program), community organisations and individual artists and other community members who have contributed along the way.
Feedback from Judges:
“The panel were impressed with the long term impact this collaboration is making on the broader community of Esperance and surrounds and the variety of diferent community groups, schools and organisations that have become involved. The project has overcome difculties and has managed to turn local government opposition to community art to fully embracing it and supporting future arts projects. Using art to break down cultural barriers and create pride and a sense of community across the population of Esperance is community building at its best. The beautiful artwork and sense of community pride will last beyond the work of the people currently involved at the Centres.”
Photo credit: Natalie Symonds