Sounds from the Southern Edge Song Writing Project & CD launch

About the Project

The Songs from the Southern Edge CD project also reached completion in June 2017. This project had a strong focus on professional development for local musicians but it also addresses all six Scheme Four Outcomes.  The seed for this very successful project was planted in 2013 when one of the key participants, music teacher and sound engineer, Pete MacMahon approached Esperance Community Arts to ask about the possibility of sourcing funds to create a CD of songs by local musicians. The thread was picked up again in 2015, following a series of songwriting workshops run as part of our Act-Belong-Commit Live and Local Music program. Funding was secured in 2016 through two separate grants and the project officially begin in July that year. Over the following 12 months, with the support of professional producer, David Hyams, 10 original songs were developed and recorded by local artists of varying ages, and spanning several musical genres. The CD was launched in June 2017 at a ticketed event held at the Cannery Arts Centre in partnership with local music promoter ‘Kyza Presents’.   A copy of the CD will be posted to CAWA.

One of the songwriters on the CD, Bill Parry, wrote (29 /07/17 & 16/08/17)

‘I am super excited at getting a song up on the CD and grateful for all the assistance and encouragement along the way, the talent in this town is amazing.  Also grateful to ECA for assistance with funding and facilitating the many events and workshops and supporting the Ukulele Group which is now 4 1/2 years strong… Much credit to you for all of your hard work, the town is a better place for it’.

See support material for additional testimonials – Anne Henderson’s you tube video and the newspaper article by Kyron Smithson.

This project was funded through a CAWA Regional Arts Fund Project grant and a Department of Culture and the Arts Community Engagement Grant.

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