Soundscape Project An Esperance Wildflower Festival 2020 Event One of the big highlights of the Flowers and Feathers Soundscape project with visiting sound artist Perdita Phillips was the opportunity to try out Perdy’s listening and recording equipment in natural...
One Month until the 2020 Esperance Wildflower Festival! With only one month to go until the Esperance Wildflower Festival, the excitement and anticipation is building! There are a broad range of events occurring in the lead-up to, and during, the festival with many...
Flowers & Feathers: Community Sculpture Project An Esperance Wildflower Festival 2020 Event The Flowers & Feathers Sculpture Project for the 2020 Esperance Wildflower Festival is well underway. The first community workshop was held on Saturday 15th August, 1.00...
Flowers & Feathers: Soundscape Project An Esperance Wildflower Festival 2020 Event There are a number of exciting events being held as part of the Esperance Wildflower Festival’s Flowers & Feathers Soundscape Project: “Listening to...
Act-Belong-Commit Resilience for YOUTH through Arts About the Project There has been some fantastic work completed recently by the impressive artists at Esperance Clontarf Academy with the guidance of Pauline Bonney and Suzie Bonney from Karnpi Designs as part of...